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Following Dream Paths to Thriving: Our New Strategic Plan

6/1/2024 10:00:37 AM

Dress for Success Cincinnati is excited to introduce our latest strategic plan implementation, "Following Dream Paths to Thriving." Spearheaded by Megan Zarnitz, our VP of Programs and Strategic Initiatives, and Tierra Adabla, our new Thriving Services Manager, this plan is a culmination of our commitment to deepen relationships and impact in the lives of the women we serve. 

At the core of this initiative is our recognition of the diverse factors that contribute to women's overall well-being and success. In this new strategic plan, we are emphasizing the importance of embracing a holistic approach, continuing to focus on women’s career goals, but also empowering women to thrive in every aspect of their lives. The goal is that by growing deeper in relationships with the women we serve we will hold space for and provide coaching that inspires and encourages women to create and follow individualized dream paths toward thriving and self-sufficiency.  

This plan seamlessly aligns with our longstanding mission and vision. We have always been a sanctuary where women are celebrated, empowered, and equipped with the tools to navigate life successfully. DFSC is about helping women define and achieve their unique versions of success, inside and out. 

We are committed to an intentional approach in implementing this plan, seeking feedback from focus groups and past clients to ensure its success. By keeping women's voices central and measuring impact, we are committed to supporting women to achieve their goals and reach their potential because we know the impact on the community and their families will be profound. 

To help us bring our new strategic plan to life, we engaged Box Kite Consulting in June 2023 for human-centered program design work. Two focus groups were conducted, and we received positive feedback from these groups, indicating community demand and interest in one-on-one coaching and appreciation for our new perspective on thriving services and the opportunity to  evaluate their lives, both personally and professionally. This plan has also led to enhancements in our initial process, creating a more welcoming environment for our clients the second they walk through the door. 

We are designing solutions in the following spaces, which will be prototyped and launched throughout 2024:   


New client introduction/orientation experience: By re-imagining a client’s initial experience with DFSC, we will ensure easy access to services and that she feels welcomed, understood, and empowered from the moment she steps through the doors or contacts us to schedule an appointment. 

“Dream Path” 1:1 coaching: The Dream Path coaching initiative will provide individualized guidance and coaching to help clients navigate their personal and professional journeys, set achievable goals, and develop essential skills for success in the workplace and their lives.  

“Circle of Success” women’s peer group model: The Circle of Success women’s peer group model will foster a sense of community and collaboration among women, allowing them to share experiences, insights, and encouragement as they pursue their goals.  

HigherHER 2.0: We are also excited to revamp our HigherHER programming to further support and empower women to reach economic independence and career advancement. 


We invite our community members and supporters to contribute to the success of this plan by connecting us with resources for women, donating to support our initiatives, and participating in upcoming programs. like the women's circles, starting this fall.  

In addition, we are hiring a new Thriving Services Coach, who will help bring this plan to life, meeting with clients and helping them build their own personal path to their dreams. If you or someone you know is interested, the full position application link can be found here.  

We are grateful to the Greater Cincinnati Foundation for its generous investment of $100,000 and being an early partner in this transformational work. 

Dress for Success Cincinnati's strategic plan is poised to profoundly impact the lives of women in our community, empowering them to pursue their dream paths to thriving. With a focus on holistic support, impactful programs, and collaborative engagement, DFSC remains steadfast in our mission to empower women and create a brighter future for all.